Ok...questions first. Yes, we closed on the house and moved and everyone got well. :) And yes, the new house we are building is in Rocking Star.
We left with the last load of stuff 15 minutes before the new owners took possesion...nothing like cutting it close! The 2 week closing would've been a little crazy anyway, but we ended up celebrating Haley's first birthday, "entertaining" a house full of company and all getting sick that week before the closing. So it was an absolute zoo. But we all lived through it and are now happily ensconced in the little place where Tim and Myrna lived while they built their house. :) We love it here...there are trees and foxes and we're right on the Greenway. It is also quite handy to be close to everything in town for a change!

This was just a couple of days ago when Haley decided that she should sit on Nora's lap. Little goon.

The girls posing at the little play area on our Greenway route.

All ready to go! Sometimes I take them out in the wagon, sometimes the double stroller, and just recently we tried a little bike trailer...but they pinched each other...so we might have to stick to the other two options. :)

Hangin' at the play area.

One of Miss Haley's first horsey rides. She just started this recently and still doesn't hand on very well. :)

Just a sweet picture of the little "angel" reading her books. She's quite independant and will sit for hours looking through her books and yabbering about them. She doesn't mind sitting on your lap for this, but would rather turn the pages herself.

The house construction is going very quickly and with only a few disasters. You can check out all of the pictures in our
Construction Zone 2008 gallery, but here's what the place looked like yesterday.